Welcome to

Moston Lane Community Primary School

W.B. 28.09.2020

We have had a lovely start to our new school year! The children have settled in brilliantly and have adapted really well to the changes in school. We are aware that from time to time some of the children will have to stay at home to keep everyone safe. For this reason, home learning will now be added for you on a weekly basis. This is to ensure that your child does not miss out on the learning going on in school. If you have any questions about the home learning, please do not hesitate to contact the Reception team by phone or e-mail. Our e-mail address is reception@mostonlane.manchester.sch.uk


Activities and learning links will be uploaded every Monday for that week.  This term we will be focussing on phonics, mark making, maths and topic activities. Some learning links will require a school login. We will ensure that you have these.


Please e-mail us pictures of fantastic work that your child does.

Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Rycroft and Miss Thompson

Week 5

 Name Writing

  • Practise writing your name everyday.



We are learning to read and write a different letter each day:

Monday - c

Tuesday - k

Wednesday - u

Thursday - b

Friday - f

Watch the video on espresso about the letter.


Now tell your grown-up some words that start with today's sound. Finally have a go at writing the letter a few times.

Grown-ups: Every day, revisit the previous sounds that they have learnt.



This week our topic is 'Those Nearest and Dearest'.


  • Talk to your grown-up about what a family is. Who is in your family?
  • Draw a picture of your family. Remember to think about what colour hair and eye colour they have. Talk to your grown-up about your picture. Can you write any of their names?
  • Look at pictures of when you were a baby. How have you changed?
  • Look at pictures of your family. Talk about why you love the different people in your family and why they are special to you.



Every day, practise counting up to 20. You could also watch the counting song on 'youtube' that we enjoy in school:


This week, we are learning to recognise, name and describe 2D shapes.

  • Watch the songs on the links below:



  • Look at the pictures below. What shapes have been used to make the pictures?

Vocabulary: shape, 2D, flat, side, corners, round, straight, curved, long, short.