Welcome to

Moston Lane Community Primary School

W.B. 06.07.20


This week's theme is:

Gather For Games


This week’s theme will provide children with an insight into the world of rules, sports, the media and cultural connections within the community. A wide range of games offers the opportunity to develop a wide range of skills including social interaction, fine/gross motor skills, cognitive skills and language development. A focus on cooperative games encourages the relaxed atmosphere and friendly interaction as the end of the school year approaches.



Today we are going to continue with our Olympic Games theme!

Indoor Olympic Games: Test your Literacy and Numeracy skills!

Activity 1 – Number Game

Grown-ups, number some pieces of A4 paper 1 to 5, or up to 10 if this is appropriate. Then spread out the pieces of paper on the carpet.

  • Choose a simple soft toy, or soft ball that you can throw. Stand back and see if you can throw your toy onto one of the numbers. What number has it landed on? Keep a record of how many numbers you say correctly.

You will probably need some counting objects to help you work out the following:

  • Throw your soft toy to land on a number. Say the number that is one more/one less.
  • Now choose two soft toys. Throw them both and note the numbers they land upon. Say the numbers and then add them together. Keep a record of how many are correct.
  • Now decide which number is bigger and take away the smaller number. Keep a record of how many are correct.

Activity 2 – Alphabet Game

Grown-ups, help your child to write out the letters of the alphabet on pieces of paper and lay them on the carpet in alphabetical order. You will need counters according to how many players and a dice. Throw the dice and move your counter that many places over the letters. You have to say the sound of the letter it lands on and think of a word beginning with that sound. If you can’t then you have to move back. See how many sounds and words you can say correctly.


Art and Craft Ideas:

Activity 3 – Make a medal or badge for the closing ceremony. Ask your grown up to cut out a circle for you to decorate. You can colour it gold, silver or bronze, depending on where you have come in the games. You can stick this on your top with sellotape.


Activity 4 –You can also make your own Olympic biscuits or doughnuts using some food colouring.

Activity 5 – You can paint the 5 Olympic rings using the colours from left to right of blue, yellow, black, green and red.  Or just use coloured crayons and draw the 5 circles.


You can then put on the marching music, wear your badge and wave your Olympic flag.

Finish off the day with some tasty treats!


We hope you have enjoyed this week's theme!

Have a lovely weekend.

The Nursery Team x



For the next two days we are going to be having an Olympic Games theme. Follow the link below to learn some facts about the Olympic Games: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WBPlSN_wI0M

The five Olympic rings represent the five continents competing at the Olympics Africa (yellow), The Americas (red), Asia (green), Europe (black) and Oceania (blue).

The first thing you need is mascot. A mascot is a person, animal or object thought to bring you good luck.  You could perhaps choose one of your teddies as a mascot.


Activity 1 – Now let’s have an Opening Ceremony. You can make your own Team GB flag that you can wave.

Follow the link below for a template that you can print out, if you have access to a printer: http://www.supercoloring.com/coloring-pages/union-jack

Don’t worry if you don’t have a printer, just get a piece of plain paper and use paints or colouring crayons to colour your flag in the red, white and blue colours that you can see above. Now your flag is ready to wave. Follow the link below for some marching music:


Now march around your house to the music, waving your flag.

Activity 2 – Now it is time to choose some activities.

Here are some game ideas:

  1. Obstacle course: Ask your grown-up to help you. You can create a simple obstacle course in the garden. Just set out some of your outdoor toys in the garden so that you can move around, through, over or under safely. You might include a ball in the obstacle course, where you can throw the ball up in the air and count how many times you can catch it. You could also include a skipping rope so you can count how many times you can skip. Just keep it simple and send in some photographs!


  1. Paper plate discus:  Mark out a spot from which you can throw your paper plate. Now throw your paper plate and count how many footsteps it is away from you. Keep a record of your counting. The try where you count the most footsteps is the winner, as this is the one where you have thrown it furthest.


  1. Throwing and catching a ball: Just use you favourite ball and see how many times you can throw it in the air and catch it, without dropping it. If you have a partner, you can work together and count how many times you can throw it to each other without dropping it.


  1. Long jump: You can run a short distance in your garden to a point from which you have to do a jump. Mark the point where you land. You can do this with your family and see who the winner is, or just do it on your own and see which is your best jump.


  1. Skipping: If you have a skipping rope, just practise your skipping. Make sure you stand well away from other people when you turn your rope.


These are just some ideas. Have a think, with your grown-up, of some of your own ideas too!

If you are doing these simple activities in the garden, please remember that the correct footwear is essential to keep you safe. A pair of trainers is ideal!


Remember to have fun! It is not about winning or losing, it is about taking part and having lots of fun together.


Now let’s finish the day with a story about one of our favourite characters.

Peppa Pig Story - Sports Day - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K26eJb7Rz80



Today is Wednesday 8th July. Practise writing your name. Challenge – Write today’s date.


Activity 1 – Today, we would like you to play some active games with your siblings or family members. You could play these games indoors out outdoors. Here are some examples of games you may want to play:

  • Hide and Seek
  • Follow the Leader
  • Do and obstacle course
  • Throwing and Catching
  • Simon Says
  • What Time Is It Mr Wolf?


Activity 1 – Mrs Jones's favourite game is called 'Hide and Seek'. Follow the link below to listen to a story called ’10 Play Hide and Seek’.


Activity 2 – Now we would like you to have a go at creating your own game!  

Grownups - Sometimes children get the most satisfaction from a game which they have made themselves, whatever game this may be. Follow this link for lots of ideas for making your own games - https://www.activityvillage.co.uk/make-your-own-games. When you start your child off making their own game, try to step back a bit if you can and let them lead with their imagination. The ideas and rules they come up with might not be conventional, but they will enjoy the game all the more and learn more from the experience.

Activity 3 – Go on to the Topmarks website - https://www.topmarks.co.uk/

On the right-hand side of the home page it will say ‘Popular Subjects’. Click on ‘Maths’. In the search bar where it says ‘Find great educational resources’ type in counting or shape. Have a go at some of these fun maths games!





Today is Tuesday 7th July. This morning, we would like you to practise writing your name again. Remember, if you would like to challenge yourselves, have a go at writing today’s date too!


Activity 1 – We would like you to have a go at playing a listening game. Click on the link below which will take you to go to a YouTube video:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1m4h79JZso

Listen to the sounds in the video. Can you guess what they are? Remember to take it in turns if you are playing this game with someone else!


Activity 2 – Today, we would like you to have a go at playing Miss Lee's favourite game, 'Charades'. 

Charades is a word guessing game. Choose a word or phrase to act out and see if the other players can guess what you are acting! This could be an activity such as ‘brushing your teeth’ or you might want to act out a traditional tale such as ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’.

Follow this link for some words/phrases/activity ideas for your game of charades!  


Activity 3 – Now, we would like you to play some phonics games on the phonics play website. Click on the following link - https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/ (the log in details are on the home page). Explore the resources on this website and play some of the fun phonics games!


Activity 4 – Mindfulness activity.

This activity is called the Mindful Jar. Follow the link below - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mb3ji6fvzEk

If you would like to make your own glitter jar, follow the instructions below:

  1. Pour 1/2 cup of glitterglue or clear glue into the jar.
  2. Add 1–2 teaspoons of extra glitterto the jar.
  3. Fill up the remainder of the jarwith distilled water.
  4. Put the lid on the jar and secure tightly.

Now use the following script:

“Imagine that the glitter is like your thoughts when you’re stressed, mad or upset. See how they whirl around and make it really hard to see clearly? That’s why it’s so easy to make silly decisions when you’re upset – because you’re not thinking clearly. Don’t worry this is normal and it happens in all of us (yep, grownups too)”. Now watch what happens when you’re still for a couple of moments. Keep watching. See how the glitter starts to settle and the water clears? Your mind works the same way. When you’re calm for a little while, your thoughts start to settle, and you start to see things much clearer. Deep breaths during this calming process can help us settle when we feel a lot of emotions” (Karen Young, 2017).

Grownups - This exercise not only helps children learn about how their emotions can cloud their thoughts, but it also facilitates the practice of mindfulness while focusing on the swirling glitter in the jar.



Today is Monday 6th July. This morning, we would like you to practise writing your name. If you would like to challenge yourselves, have a go at writing today’s date too!

This week, our theme is ‘Gather for Games’. At nursery, we love to play lots of different types of games. These include: board games, ball games, card games, active games, quiet games and interactive games.

  • What games do you like to play at home or at nursery?
  • Who do you like to play your favourite games with?

Miss Thompson’s favourite game is ‘I Spy with My Little Eye’

Miss Peate’s favourite game is ‘What Time Is It Mr Wolf?’

Mrs Jone’s favourite game is ‘Hide and Seek’

Mrs Cullen’s favourite game is ‘Frustration’

Miss Lee’s favourite game is ‘Charades’

Mrs Arundel’s favourite game is ‘Rounders’


*When we play games with others, it is important that we share, take turns and follow the rules. This makes the game fair for everyone!*

Grownups - Sharing and turn taking are vital life skills. They teach children about fairness and compromise, how to negotiate with others and to manage disappointment. We focus on this a lot at nursery. Whilst completing the home learning activities this week, please encourage and praise good sharing and turn taking. 


Activity 1 – For your first activity today, we would like you to enjoy playing your favourite game with someone at home! This could be any type of game. It could be an active game like ‘Hide and Seek’ or a board game like ‘Kerplunk’.

If you can, take some pictures of you playing your favourite games and please send them to us! We would love to see them.


Activity 2 – Now we would like you to play Miss Thompson’s favourite game, ‘I Spy with My Little Eye’.  

  1. If it is your turn, think of a word for example,
  2. Think about what sound/letter that word begins with –
  3. Say, “I spy with my little eye, something beginning with c”.
  4. The other player then has to guess the word you have chosen!


Welcome to

Moston Lane Community Primary School

W.B. 06.07.20


This week's theme is:

Gather For Games


This week’s theme will provide children with an insight into the world of rules, sports, the media and cultural connections within the community. A wide range of games offers the opportunity to develop a wide range of skills including social interaction, fine/gross motor skills, cognitive skills and language development. A focus on cooperative games encourages the relaxed atmosphere and friendly interaction as the end of the school year approaches.



Today we are going to continue with our Olympic Games theme!

Indoor Olympic Games: Test your Literacy and Numeracy skills!

Activity 1 – Number Game

Grown-ups, number some pieces of A4 paper 1 to 5, or up to 10 if this is appropriate. Then spread out the pieces of paper on the carpet.

  • Choose a simple soft toy, or soft ball that you can throw. Stand back and see if you can throw your toy onto one of the numbers. What number has it landed on? Keep a record of how many numbers you say correctly.

You will probably need some counting objects to help you work out the following:

  • Throw your soft toy to land on a number. Say the number that is one more/one less.
  • Now choose two soft toys. Throw them both and note the numbers they land upon. Say the numbers and then add them together. Keep a record of how many are correct.
  • Now decide which number is bigger and take away the smaller number. Keep a record of how many are correct.

Activity 2 – Alphabet Game

Grown-ups, help your child to write out the letters of the alphabet on pieces of paper and lay them on the carpet in alphabetical order. You will need counters according to how many players and a dice. Throw the dice and move your counter that many places over the letters. You have to say the sound of the letter it lands on and think of a word beginning with that sound. If you can’t then you have to move back. See how many sounds and words you can say correctly.


Art and Craft Ideas:

Activity 3 – Make a medal or badge for the closing ceremony. Ask your grown up to cut out a circle for you to decorate. You can colour it gold, silver or bronze, depending on where you have come in the games. You can stick this on your top with sellotape.


Activity 4 –You can also make your own Olympic biscuits or doughnuts using some food colouring.

Activity 5 – You can paint the 5 Olympic rings using the colours from left to right of blue, yellow, black, green and red.  Or just use coloured crayons and draw the 5 circles.


You can then put on the marching music, wear your badge and wave your Olympic flag.

Finish off the day with some tasty treats!


We hope you have enjoyed this week's theme!

Have a lovely weekend.

The Nursery Team x



For the next two days we are going to be having an Olympic Games theme. Follow the link below to learn some facts about the Olympic Games: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WBPlSN_wI0M

The five Olympic rings represent the five continents competing at the Olympics Africa (yellow), The Americas (red), Asia (green), Europe (black) and Oceania (blue).

The first thing you need is mascot. A mascot is a person, animal or object thought to bring you good luck.  You could perhaps choose one of your teddies as a mascot.


Activity 1 – Now let’s have an Opening Ceremony. You can make your own Team GB flag that you can wave.

Follow the link below for a template that you can print out, if you have access to a printer: http://www.supercoloring.com/coloring-pages/union-jack

Don’t worry if you don’t have a printer, just get a piece of plain paper and use paints or colouring crayons to colour your flag in the red, white and blue colours that you can see above. Now your flag is ready to wave. Follow the link below for some marching music:


Now march around your house to the music, waving your flag.

Activity 2 – Now it is time to choose some activities.

Here are some game ideas:

  1. Obstacle course: Ask your grown-up to help you. You can create a simple obstacle course in the garden. Just set out some of your outdoor toys in the garden so that you can move around, through, over or under safely. You might include a ball in the obstacle course, where you can throw the ball up in the air and count how many times you can catch it. You could also include a skipping rope so you can count how many times you can skip. Just keep it simple and send in some photographs!


  1. Paper plate discus:  Mark out a spot from which you can throw your paper plate. Now throw your paper plate and count how many footsteps it is away from you. Keep a record of your counting. The try where you count the most footsteps is the winner, as this is the one where you have thrown it furthest.


  1. Throwing and catching a ball: Just use you favourite ball and see how many times you can throw it in the air and catch it, without dropping it. If you have a partner, you can work together and count how many times you can throw it to each other without dropping it.


  1. Long jump: You can run a short distance in your garden to a point from which you have to do a jump. Mark the point where you land. You can do this with your family and see who the winner is, or just do it on your own and see which is your best jump.


  1. Skipping: If you have a skipping rope, just practise your skipping. Make sure you stand well away from other people when you turn your rope.


These are just some ideas. Have a think, with your grown-up, of some of your own ideas too!

If you are doing these simple activities in the garden, please remember that the correct footwear is essential to keep you safe. A pair of trainers is ideal!


Remember to have fun! It is not about winning or losing, it is about taking part and having lots of fun together.


Now let’s finish the day with a story about one of our favourite characters.

Peppa Pig Story - Sports Day - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K26eJb7Rz80



Today is Wednesday 8th July. Practise writing your name. Challenge – Write today’s date.


Activity 1 – Today, we would like you to play some active games with your siblings or family members. You could play these games indoors out outdoors. Here are some examples of games you may want to play:

  • Hide and Seek
  • Follow the Leader
  • Do and obstacle course
  • Throwing and Catching
  • Simon Says
  • What Time Is It Mr Wolf?


Activity 1 – Mrs Jones's favourite game is called 'Hide and Seek'. Follow the link below to listen to a story called ’10 Play Hide and Seek’.


Activity 2 – Now we would like you to have a go at creating your own game!  

Grownups - Sometimes children get the most satisfaction from a game which they have made themselves, whatever game this may be. Follow this link for lots of ideas for making your own games - https://www.activityvillage.co.uk/make-your-own-games. When you start your child off making their own game, try to step back a bit if you can and let them lead with their imagination. The ideas and rules they come up with might not be conventional, but they will enjoy the game all the more and learn more from the experience.

Activity 3 – Go on to the Topmarks website - https://www.topmarks.co.uk/

On the right-hand side of the home page it will say ‘Popular Subjects’. Click on ‘Maths’. In the search bar where it says ‘Find great educational resources’ type in counting or shape. Have a go at some of these fun maths games!





Today is Tuesday 7th July. This morning, we would like you to practise writing your name again. Remember, if you would like to challenge yourselves, have a go at writing today’s date too!


Activity 1 – We would like you to have a go at playing a listening game. Click on the link below which will take you to go to a YouTube video:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1m4h79JZso

Listen to the sounds in the video. Can you guess what they are? Remember to take it in turns if you are playing this game with someone else!


Activity 2 – Today, we would like you to have a go at playing Miss Lee's favourite game, 'Charades'. 

Charades is a word guessing game. Choose a word or phrase to act out and see if the other players can guess what you are acting! This could be an activity such as ‘brushing your teeth’ or you might want to act out a traditional tale such as ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’.

Follow this link for some words/phrases/activity ideas for your game of charades!  


Activity 3 – Now, we would like you to play some phonics games on the phonics play website. Click on the following link - https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/ (the log in details are on the home page). Explore the resources on this website and play some of the fun phonics games!


Activity 4 – Mindfulness activity.

This activity is called the Mindful Jar. Follow the link below - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mb3ji6fvzEk

If you would like to make your own glitter jar, follow the instructions below:

  1. Pour 1/2 cup of glitterglue or clear glue into the jar.
  2. Add 1–2 teaspoons of extra glitterto the jar.
  3. Fill up the remainder of the jarwith distilled water.
  4. Put the lid on the jar and secure tightly.

Now use the following script:

“Imagine that the glitter is like your thoughts when you’re stressed, mad or upset. See how they whirl around and make it really hard to see clearly? That’s why it’s so easy to make silly decisions when you’re upset – because you’re not thinking clearly. Don’t worry this is normal and it happens in all of us (yep, grownups too)”. Now watch what happens when you’re still for a couple of moments. Keep watching. See how the glitter starts to settle and the water clears? Your mind works the same way. When you’re calm for a little while, your thoughts start to settle, and you start to see things much clearer. Deep breaths during this calming process can help us settle when we feel a lot of emotions” (Karen Young, 2017).

Grownups - This exercise not only helps children learn about how their emotions can cloud their thoughts, but it also facilitates the practice of mindfulness while focusing on the swirling glitter in the jar.



Today is Monday 6th July. This morning, we would like you to practise writing your name. If you would like to challenge yourselves, have a go at writing today’s date too!

This week, our theme is ‘Gather for Games’. At nursery, we love to play lots of different types of games. These include: board games, ball games, card games, active games, quiet games and interactive games.

  • What games do you like to play at home or at nursery?
  • Who do you like to play your favourite games with?

Miss Thompson’s favourite game is ‘I Spy with My Little Eye’

Miss Peate’s favourite game is ‘What Time Is It Mr Wolf?’

Mrs Jone’s favourite game is ‘Hide and Seek’

Mrs Cullen’s favourite game is ‘Frustration’

Miss Lee’s favourite game is ‘Charades’

Mrs Arundel’s favourite game is ‘Rounders’


*When we play games with others, it is important that we share, take turns and follow the rules. This makes the game fair for everyone!*

Grownups - Sharing and turn taking are vital life skills. They teach children about fairness and compromise, how to negotiate with others and to manage disappointment. We focus on this a lot at nursery. Whilst completing the home learning activities this week, please encourage and praise good sharing and turn taking. 


Activity 1 – For your first activity today, we would like you to enjoy playing your favourite game with someone at home! This could be any type of game. It could be an active game like ‘Hide and Seek’ or a board game like ‘Kerplunk’.

If you can, take some pictures of you playing your favourite games and please send them to us! We would love to see them.


Activity 2 – Now we would like you to play Miss Thompson’s favourite game, ‘I Spy with My Little Eye’.  

  1. If it is your turn, think of a word for example,
  2. Think about what sound/letter that word begins with –
  3. Say, “I spy with my little eye, something beginning with c”.
  4. The other player then has to guess the word you have chosen!