Autumn 2, Week 1
Theme - Autumn and Bonfire Night
This week's theme is all about autumn time. The children will learn that...
On Thursday, it will be Bonfire Night. Spend some time stood in your garden or looking out of your bedroom window at fireworks that people are letting off. Talk about the colours and patterns that you see and the sounds that you can hear.
Can you create a firework picture using lots of different colours?
This week's story is...
Pumpkin Soup
Listen to the story and then answer the questions.
Now draw a picture of the characters from the story.
Name Writing
Your name is very important. It is part of who you are! It is important that you recognise your name and start to learn to write it. Ask a grown-up to write it down for you. Now have a try at forming some of the letters yourself. Practise this every day!
Please do at least one counting activity each day:
This week we are learning to recognise numerals 1-5
1 2 3 4 5
Grown-ups: You might have a game or jigsaw that your child could do. Or you could make them a little set of flashcards. Help your child to practise recognising the numbers and then putting them in order. When they are confident with numerals up to 5, move on to 6-10.