Welcome to

Moston Lane Community Primary School

Year 4

Welcome to Year 4's class page! Here you can find information about our classes, topics and curriculum. 

Team: 9

Teacher: Mr Anderson

TAs: Miss Carroll

Team: 10A

Teacher: Miss Simm

TA: Mrs Hussain

Team: 10B

Teacher: Miss Adams

TA: Miss Wright

In Year 4, we offer a broad and balanced curriculum to prepare our children for a life in modern Britain.  


We have been extremely busy in Year 4, learning all about our different topics and developing our knowledge and skills across the curriculum. Have a look below at the amazing work we have been doing. Enjoy!

Team 10a Book Cafe

We had a fun reading lesson today, where our classroom was set up like a cafe and we ate biscuits and drank hot chocolate while enjoying books.

Reading for Pleasure

Every Friday morning, we silently read in our cozy corners.


Team 10a Primary Rail Engineer Project

We have been involved in the Primary Rail Engineering Project - linked to our DT and Science.

Team 10a have created their own model trains with moveable parts and electrical circuits. 

We designed our trains based on the four elements - fire, earth, water and air.

Stay tuned - we will have a visit from an engineer soon to celebrate our trains!

Summer Term


Our topic this term has been Recycled Art.

The children across Year 4, have used their imagination to investigate and produce

some fantastic creations, using a wide range of recycled materials.

During our final art lesson, we investigated how artists had used their work to convey messages about the environment.

We used what we had learnt, as well as our own imaginations, and worked with our partners to create a

piece of art which conveyed a really important message...saving our oceans from plastic and pollution. Enjoy our work!

Art Project

We have been involved in the Blue Peter Book Club project, linking Art and Reading.

Team 10b have created their own 3D birds for display in Manchester Central Library. Children have decorated the birds in their own style, including comments within the work about their favourite books.

Enjoy the photographs of our work and why not see it for yourself at the exhibition on 18th May 2024!

Spring Term


Team 10b have been really busy, learning all about circuits and electricity in their Science topic.

The children have been investigating how to create successful circuits, as well as which materials are conductors and insulators of electricity.

Each group attempted a range of challenges too, predicting and investigating what would happen to the bulb, buzzer, motor in a circuit if we changed different variables.

Have a look at them in action and see some of the work they have completed!

Team 10a - World Book Day

In Team 10a we talked about books being an escape from the world. We drew windows, looking into a world from a book. 

Can you tell which book is behind which window?

PSHE -Dreams & Goals

In PSHE, we have been thinking about our dreams and goals. We have discussed the qualitites needed to achieve our dreams and how we can overcome disappointments we might encounter along the way.

Geography - Rainforests

We have been learning all about the rainforests of the world. Our discussions have involved thinking about deforestation, the pressure of palm oil harvesting and finding out all about the structure and importance of the rainforest to the world as a whole.

World Book Day

Team 10b celebrated World Book Day in March, dressing up as our favourite characters and enjoying a range of reading activities throughout the day. 

We also joined in with the BBC live lesson, completing the tasks provided, which the children really enjoyed!

Autumn Term

Science - States of Matter

Our first science topic as a new class, was States of Matter. The children investigated what happens to materials and how they change from one state to another.

We used drama to help our understanding of how the particles move within the states of solid, liquid and gas. Within our learning about solids, liquids and gases, we carried out a practical activity, making rice crispie cakes, to enable the children to see how something changes from one state to another. We also discussed how state changes can be reversed.


Here is some of our work about states of matter, including the water cycle and how this works.

Science Experiment - States of Matter

Our messy, but incredibly fun and scientific experiment exploring how materials can change from one state to another. Today we created 'oobleck' - a material which solidifies when put under pressure, but remains in it's liquid state when relaxed. 


We have been learning all about the artist Sonia Delaunay. She is renowned for using circles, lines and geometric shapes within her work, experimenting with complimantary and harmonious colours to achieve her desired effect.

Team 10b have been finding out about her techniques and have been experimenting with their own ideas: creating patterns, evaluating her work and designing their own clothing, using the colours and shapes which Sonia eventually used when she branched out into fashion. 

Computing - Changing Digital Images

In the autumn term, we were learning about different ways in which images can be changed.

We experimented with cloning, recolouring and combining images to change the appearance.

The children had a great time creating their own versions of original images.

Design & Technology - Festive Stockings

Before Christmas, our project was to design and make our own festive stockings our of felt.

The children were taught a variety of stitches, had opportunities to practise these on material, then designed a festive stocking to make.

Everyone enjoyed using their sewing skills to create their stockings. Have a look at our work below!

PSHE - Celebrating Difference

We have been learning about differences, which included understanding bullying and being able to solve problems. We have captured our ideas below.

Welcome to

Moston Lane Community Primary School

Year 4

Welcome to Year 4's class page! Here you can find information about our classes, topics and curriculum. 

Team: 9

Teacher: Mr Anderson

TAs: Miss Carroll

Team: 10A

Teacher: Miss Simm

TA: Mrs Hussain

Team: 10B

Teacher: Miss Adams

TA: Miss Wright

In Year 4, we offer a broad and balanced curriculum to prepare our children for a life in modern Britain.  


We have been extremely busy in Year 4, learning all about our different topics and developing our knowledge and skills across the curriculum. Have a look below at the amazing work we have been doing. Enjoy!

Team 10a Book Cafe

We had a fun reading lesson today, where our classroom was set up like a cafe and we ate biscuits and drank hot chocolate while enjoying books.

Reading for Pleasure

Every Friday morning, we silently read in our cozy corners.


Team 10a Primary Rail Engineer Project

We have been involved in the Primary Rail Engineering Project - linked to our DT and Science.

Team 10a have created their own model trains with moveable parts and electrical circuits. 

We designed our trains based on the four elements - fire, earth, water and air.

Stay tuned - we will have a visit from an engineer soon to celebrate our trains!

Summer Term


Our topic this term has been Recycled Art.

The children across Year 4, have used their imagination to investigate and produce

some fantastic creations, using a wide range of recycled materials.

During our final art lesson, we investigated how artists had used their work to convey messages about the environment.

We used what we had learnt, as well as our own imaginations, and worked with our partners to create a

piece of art which conveyed a really important message...saving our oceans from plastic and pollution. Enjoy our work!

Art Project

We have been involved in the Blue Peter Book Club project, linking Art and Reading.

Team 10b have created their own 3D birds for display in Manchester Central Library. Children have decorated the birds in their own style, including comments within the work about their favourite books.

Enjoy the photographs of our work and why not see it for yourself at the exhibition on 18th May 2024!

Spring Term


Team 10b have been really busy, learning all about circuits and electricity in their Science topic.

The children have been investigating how to create successful circuits, as well as which materials are conductors and insulators of electricity.

Each group attempted a range of challenges too, predicting and investigating what would happen to the bulb, buzzer, motor in a circuit if we changed different variables.

Have a look at them in action and see some of the work they have completed!

Team 10a - World Book Day

In Team 10a we talked about books being an escape from the world. We drew windows, looking into a world from a book. 

Can you tell which book is behind which window?

PSHE -Dreams & Goals

In PSHE, we have been thinking about our dreams and goals. We have discussed the qualitites needed to achieve our dreams and how we can overcome disappointments we might encounter along the way.

Geography - Rainforests

We have been learning all about the rainforests of the world. Our discussions have involved thinking about deforestation, the pressure of palm oil harvesting and finding out all about the structure and importance of the rainforest to the world as a whole.

World Book Day

Team 10b celebrated World Book Day in March, dressing up as our favourite characters and enjoying a range of reading activities throughout the day. 

We also joined in with the BBC live lesson, completing the tasks provided, which the children really enjoyed!

Autumn Term

Science - States of Matter

Our first science topic as a new class, was States of Matter. The children investigated what happens to materials and how they change from one state to another.

We used drama to help our understanding of how the particles move within the states of solid, liquid and gas. Within our learning about solids, liquids and gases, we carried out a practical activity, making rice crispie cakes, to enable the children to see how something changes from one state to another. We also discussed how state changes can be reversed.


Here is some of our work about states of matter, including the water cycle and how this works.

Science Experiment - States of Matter

Our messy, but incredibly fun and scientific experiment exploring how materials can change from one state to another. Today we created 'oobleck' - a material which solidifies when put under pressure, but remains in it's liquid state when relaxed. 


We have been learning all about the artist Sonia Delaunay. She is renowned for using circles, lines and geometric shapes within her work, experimenting with complimantary and harmonious colours to achieve her desired effect.

Team 10b have been finding out about her techniques and have been experimenting with their own ideas: creating patterns, evaluating her work and designing their own clothing, using the colours and shapes which Sonia eventually used when she branched out into fashion. 

Computing - Changing Digital Images

In the autumn term, we were learning about different ways in which images can be changed.

We experimented with cloning, recolouring and combining images to change the appearance.

The children had a great time creating their own versions of original images.

Design & Technology - Festive Stockings

Before Christmas, our project was to design and make our own festive stockings our of felt.

The children were taught a variety of stitches, had opportunities to practise these on material, then designed a festive stocking to make.

Everyone enjoyed using their sewing skills to create their stockings. Have a look at our work below!

PSHE - Celebrating Difference

We have been learning about differences, which included understanding bullying and being able to solve problems. We have captured our ideas below.