Welcome to

Moston Lane Community Primary School

Year 5

Welcome to Year 5's class page! Here you can find information about our classes, topics and curriculum. 


Team: 11

Teacher: Miss Redpath

TA: Miss Finnigan


Team: 12

Teacher: Miss Artuner

TA: Miss Lee & Miss Ginty

In Year 5, we offer a broad and balanced curriculum to prepare our children for a life in modern Britain.  

If you would like to view the curriculum map for the whole year, or for previous half term topics, click on the links below.

Year 5 Curriculum Map 2023/2024


Spring 1

Our topics in Spring 1 include the Shang Dynasty, Freida Kahlo and South African music. Check our website page to see what we've been up to.

Our Class Assembly

We proudly performed our assembly to Year 6, parents and carers all about the learning journey we've been on so far. We then performed Shosholoza and it's definitely stuck in our heads now!


Animal Habitats

As part of our reproduction topic, Year 5 have learnt all about different habitats where animal live and how they reproduce. They then went on to make their own information books!

African Drumming

We have been busy learning how to perform music on the African drums including Shosholoza and other beats.


Moston Lane was covered in snow on Tuesday. Team 11 made some memories and played in it before it all melted away.

Autumn 2

This half term has been packed full of learning and even included a trip! We've worked extremely hard during the run up to Christmas. You can learn more about what we've been doing below.

Team 11 and Team 5

To complete our whole school write, different year groups visited each other, paired up and shared their work.  Team 11 were paired with Team 5 for this and you can see their photos below.

Our Trip to Manchester Art Gallery

Team 11 and 12 had a really exciting trip to Manchester Art Gallery. For some of us, it was our first time travelling on the tram! At the gallery, we had a look around all of the exhibitions and had an interactive workshop all about the Battle of Troy. It was a very cold day but we had so much fun. 


We have been learning all about volcanoes in Geography this half term. We have learnt about the features of a volcano, where some famous volcanoes are located and what causes a volcano to erupt. We then went on to build our own volcanoes and make them erupt!


Our topic this half term was forces. We conducted several different experiments over the half term including:

Gravity test

We made craters using three different weighted materials to test which would fall the quickest and leave behind the largest crater.


We learnt about levers and pulleys and made our own catapults. We then had a class competition to see which would launch an item the furthest.


We have learnt all about the Blues genre of music. We have listened to and evaluated different pieces of Blues music as well as learnt new chords to perform the 12 Bar Blues. You can watch our performance below.

Design and Technology

Our topic this half term has been bridge building. We have learnt about different features of bridges and what makes them strong. We even built our own suspension bridge.

Interfaith Week

Our chosen religion for Interfaith Week 2023 was Judaism. We learnt about Hanukkah and each class created their own Hanukkah wreath depicting different elements featured during this celebration.


Autumn 1

Team 11 and 12 have had a fantastic start to the school year. Read on to find out what we've been learning...




We have sculpted and painted clay dragons which was very messy but fun!

We studied the 'The Four Gentlemen' and had a go at recreating them using ink.

We've practised writing Chinese calligraphy and finally we've designed our own traditional Ming dynasty vases.




We have developed our programming skills and learnt how to code a Micro:bit. 




We've studied Egyptian music and linked it to hieroglyphic symbols even creating our piece of inspired body percussion.